Thursday, March 4, 2010

Canning Class!!!

I looked up "retro canning" and found pictures of a bunch of WWII era posters.

Now that spring is getting closer (this is AK so despite the unseasonably warm weather we've been getting this year I'm not convinced it's really spring yet) the Cooperative Extension is teaching preserving classes again. I found out about the classes yesterday. Just in time to sign up for the first one - tonight. I'm getting pretty confident with making jams and jellies (the subject for the first class) but could definitely use some additional help. And I haven't yet tried any of the other techniques they will be covering - Pickles and Sauerkraut, canned fish (my fisherman uncle might come with me for this class), canning veggies and meat, and lastly dehydrating and freezing. I'm really excited about these classes. I've always been the kind of person who can find a book to teach me just about anything but one of my goals regarding simplifying our lives is to become more involved in the community. So taking classes in preserving will help me spend time in the greater community and learn useful, tasty stuff.
On a side note the plumbing is now fixed. And I gained a lot of knowledge on plumbing troubleshooting.

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