Thursday, March 18, 2010

I found the most amazing cookbook...

Today I found The Victory Garden Cookbook at the thrift store. It's awesome. Each chapter is based on a different vegetable and has a bunch of great, easy recipes using that veggie. Say I get carrots in my CSA box ...Oh look here some 20+ carrot based recipes. Say I get something a little different like Jerusalem Artichokes or Kohlrabi or Okra...they all have chapters too. I'm really excited about using this cookbook. I know I could probably find all these recipes online but it's so much nicer to have them all in one place and this way I don't have to print out recipes or run back and forth to my computer while cooking.


  1. I often forget to comment because I normally read on my phone and it's just too tough to write, but I wanted to make sure and comment on the whole CSA theme. This has been really inspiring to me. I'm not a veggie eater. I eat really terrible food most of the time actually. But every spring I have that urge to start fresh and clean. Sometimes I ignore it. This year it coincides with the new house and kitchen so I definitely wanna follow the urge! I look forward to hearing about the really good recipes!

  2. Thanks fot the support. I'll try to post the good recipies as I find them. Have you looked for a CSA in your area? Look for a dehydrator! they are awesome for making fruity snacks.

  3. Actually I had never even heard of it until you posted! I looked for one, but couldn't find anything. But I had a veggie and fruit garden last summer and look forward to having a bigger and better one this year since I'll have more room.

  4. I'll be trying a garden this summer too but as this is my first year and the soil is in desperate need of help I'm not expecting too much. Hopefully, I don't kill all my plants.

  5. What a great find. Sounds like a really useful book. I like the fact that the chapters are based on specific vegetables. A helpful idea. I'll have to look for this one at my county library.
